Thursday, 23 October 2008

Wii & Director MX

Well, the software I'm using to make my project has changed since the hazy summer days when Flash seemed like the ideal option.

There are a few reasons for this!

One - Director MX has an Xtra that you can download for free that enables seamless integration between the Wii Remote and Director using very little Lingo code to get the data into the software...

Two - It's possible to import 3D models from 3dsMAX and then traverse them in Director - again with relatively little effort compared to using a 3D-engine with Flash (like Papervision 3D)

Three - The method of getting the data into Flash, using WiiFlashServer, required the use of AS3, some of which is radically different to AS2 and I personally do not have the time to update my knowledge of AS. As I have to learn Director's Lingo language for another module, it's easier really!

Next up is the proof-of-concept!


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